for Girls
in a bygone era
Extravagance gets its reward

The credit card bill had arrived that morning but he had only opened it when he got to the office. His eyes had almost popped out of his head: how could she have run up such a bill in just one month? Then he started to analyse her purchases: mostly clothes' shops, then some jewellers, regular visits to the hairdresser, three sessions with a beautician: it just went on and on. It had put him in foul mood all day.
When he got home, she was waiting for him, as lovely and sexy as ever. As she embraced him, he almost melted but he caught himself in time. He took her by the wrist and led her into the drawing room. He told her to sit down whilst he read out the list of credit card purchases. She gulped, but - rather to his surprise - she didn't try to wriggle out of it. She just looked up at him with that melting, 'little-girl' look of hers and asked him if he was 'awfully angry.'
He told her that he was indeed furious and that she was going to have to pay the price of her extravagance. She knew what that meant: she had learnt very early in their relationship that misdemeanours led to a swift and painful session with his paddle. And they, in turn, led to an exhilarating romp in bed afterwards.
"All right. Go and put on the two most expensive and superfluous items you bought last month and come back down here." Inwardly, she grinned to herself and slunk off up the stairs.
A few minutes later she returned, a smouldering smile on her face. Now it was his turn to gulp.
"Good grief!" was all he could mutter, ogling the stunning sight before him. Then he regained some control.
"Right, kneel on my chair. You know you deserve this!"
And, he thought, after paying that bill, I deserve my bit of fun. He tapped the paddle across the bottom of her firm white cheeks.